Checkpoint® is a registered trademark of Caversham Marketing Services Ltd.
Checkpoint Command Centre™ and the Checkpoint 'exclamation mark' logo, Checkpoint Commander™, Checkpoint Commander Plus™, and the Checkpoint Commander 'three stripes' logo, Checkpoint Information Engineering Workbench™, the 'red dot spider' logo, and the 'scream' logo, CRAITS™ and the CRAITS 'caduceus' logo, Oxbow™ and the Oxbow 'omega' logo, BeeTree™ and the 'bee in a tree' logo, Chainmail™, Chameleon™, COBRA™, Cyclops™, CIRCE™, CXD™, and the 'blowfish' logo, are trademarks of Caversham Computer Services Ltd.
All other trademarks are the property of their owners, and are acknowledged.
We owe an immense debt of gratitude to:
These technologies are all used within Checkpoint, and without them the evolution and integration of the present Checkpoint Platform Architecture would have been impossible.
Further thanks are due to JavaZoom, JCraft, Tritonus and the jFLAC team for their Free libraries, which allow the Checkpoint Commander audio player to play Ogg Vorbis, MP3 and FLAC files.
Thanks are also due to Moxiecode Systems AB for their development and free distribution of the TinyMCE WYSIWYG HTML editor, and to Rodrigo Reyes for the JSmooth Java wrapper kit for Windows.
We would also like to acknowledge Paul Lutus for the development and free distribution of Arachnophilia, the Java text editor which has become one of the key components of the Checkpoint Information Engineering Workbench.
Finally, we would like to thank Mark Wooding, Gregory G Rose and other
regulars for their advice (particularly concerning Message Authentication Codes),
without which the Checkpoint Platform Architecture would be a lot less secure
than it is.
Except where otherwise indicated, these works are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial License. To view a copy of this license, visit, send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA, or click on the right-hand link image in the footer below.