Package ccs.cdb

Object-persistence layer on top of the BeeTree BLOB-persistence engine.


Interface Summary
CallbackStreamConsumer The object can consume a stream via a callback method.
CallbackStreamProducer The object produces a stream, which it can give to a CallbackStreamConsumer to process.

Class Summary
CDBDirectory An object which stores a table of unique strings as a CDBObject.
CDBeeLine An adaptor which does for CDBeeTrees what BeeLine does for BeeTrees.
CDBeeTree CDBeeTree provides a persistent object store (a "CDB") based on the encrypted, concurrent BLOB persistence provided by BeeTree.
CDBFile A CDBFile wraps a and allows it to be stored in a CDB.
CDBFileMeta The metadata stored for a CDBFile (qv.)
CDBFileSysObject The common ancestor of CDBFile and CDBDirectory.
CDBFilesystem Commonly-useful utility methods for manipulating CDB filesystems (sets of CDBFile s indexed by CDBDirectorys).
CDBObject CDBObject is the abstract base class of all objects which can be persisted in a Checkpoint persistent object store, or "CDB".
ChromeCache This class retrives a file - frequently these files are "chrome" of some kind, hence the name - from a CDB you've previously given it.
CompactTool A self-contained CDB compactor tool.
MKCDBObject Multipart-Key CDBObject.

Exception Summary

Package ccs.cdb Description

Object-persistence layer on top of the BeeTree BLOB-persistence engine. Provides type safety, type separation (objects of different types can have the same key) and versioning support (objects can evolve over time with backward compatibility). Most applications should use this rather than using BeeTree directly.

Note: The "CDB" prefix seen throughout this package originally stood for "Checkpoint DataBase". However, what we have here is necessary but not sufficient to constitute a database engine as it is; in particular, it isn't an "Object-Oriented Database" as the phrase is now generally understood. Therefore "CDB" is defined to not stand for anything, in the same way as "DVD".

Key classes: