Package ccs.utils

Multifarious utility classes.


Interface Summary
FileDeathObserver The interface required for an object which wishes to be notified when FileKiller has finished stomping a file.
FileEscapeObserver Interface to allow FileKiller users to be notified when it falls down on the job.
Hurlable For error reporting.

Class Summary
Base32Encoder Encodes and decodes "base32" encoded binaries.
BigString Safely write / read strings which may exceed the 64K size limit imposed by writeUTF methods.
BitStringReader A BitStringReader accepts a bytestring and feeds it back one bit at a time.
BitStringWriter A BitStringWriter accepts an arbitrary number of bits, one at a time, which it assembles into a byte string.
BytePump A very simple class that transfers an enitre InputStream to an OutputStream.
CommandlineParser A parser which converts a command-line string into a sequence of parameters, suitable for passing to Runtime.exec.
DammedInputStream An input stream which only allows access to a fixed length of the underlying stream.
DammedOutputStream An output stream filter which only permits a fixed amount of data to be written to the underlying stream.
DateFmt CCS standardised date formatting.
DriveLister A problem with win32 is that multiple drives may or may not be present - any of A: to Z: and even a few more comedians as well (although these are not supported).
ExeName Executables have different names on different platforms.
FileKiller A class which destroys, with selectable thoroughness, data held on disk files.
FlagArgsParser A simplistic command-line arguments parser.
FontDialog Simple dialog which allows the user to pick a font from the selection the system offers.
ForgetfulMap<K,V> A forgetful hashmap behaves like an ordinary hashmap, with one exception: mappings which are not used for a period of time disappear.
FormDialog A Form dialog is a wrapper aorund a JOptionPane.confirmDialog which implements CP-compliant keyboard handling, and a slightly terser syntax.
GridBagConstraints2 An enhancement for GridBagConstraints, which allows the whole schmeer to be constructed in one fell swoop.
HashKey An object with a fixed hash code.
ImageCanvas Deprecated. Use a JLabel with an ImageIcon instead.
LineInputStream This filter returns its underlying stream a single "line" at a time.
LoaderLocator Determine the path to the best choice of java VM loader program.
LocalHost Utility class to determine whether a supplied InetAddress refers to localhost.
LogFile Deprecated. Java now provides a standard logging API; use that instead.
LogShaper Utilities to make the logging mechanism play slightly more nicely than it does by default.
LogShaper.ConsoleHandler A log handler which puts messages to the correct stream, depending on severity.
LogShaper.LogFormatter A log formatter which uses the Checkpoint MsgHelper methods to format log entries.
LongEncoder Encodes a long as a string using a more compact representation (i.e. a higher radix, actually base-64) than is available from the Long class.
MiserlyInputStream An inputstream which only provides data at a very limited rate.
MsgBox A general-purpose message box.
MsgHelper Helps your app provide I18N'ed messages and other strings.
PasswordDialog Displays a dialog to let the user type in a password, with it not being echoed to the screen.
PathTokenizer A specialised version of a StringTokenizer, primarily for use when parsing paths.
PostInstall Static methods of this class implement various mechanisms which are commonly required following the installation of binaries.
ProcessMonitor A ProcessMonitor monitors a running child Process object and transfers its stdout and stderr streams to System.out and System.err respectively.
Profiler A Profiler provides basic support for profiling an application - seeing how long various bits of a process take to perform.
RandomInputStream Creates a stream, reading from a RandomAccessFile.
RandomOutputStream A stream which writes into a read-and-write-opened RandomAccessFile.
Regex A Regular Expression matcher with a simpilified syntax and limited functionality.
RepeatingSwappingBuffer A SwappingBuffer which, once filled, can be written multiple times.
RootDir There is a traditional problem for an app to work out where it's external resource files are - or for that matter, where it is itself!
SenseStringDialog As StringDialog, except that an extra checkbox is provided for the user to dictate case-sensitivity.
SortedArrayList<E> An array-backed list which maintains its elements in order: either their natural order (if they all implement Comparable) or the order provided by a specified Comparator.
SortingFolderEntry This class assists the rather common pattern whereby there is a "folder" full of filenames, some of which are subfolders, and which must be sorted.
SplitterOutputStream A SplitterOutputStream copies anything written to it to an arbitrary set of streams.
StringDialog A Dialog box which allows the user to enter a single string of text.
SwappingBuffer A dual-mode buffer that efficiently stores an arbitrary amount of transient data.
TempFile A class for finding suitable names for temp files.
TextBoxParser A multiline text box is an easy way to obtain a list of items from a user: one item per line, you're laughing.
ThrottledInputStream A stream with a settable maximum rate.
TimeOfDay Utility methods for events which occur at a fixed time of day.
Unsigned When working with integers which you wish were unsigned, it's extraordinarily easy to foul up the type conversions and, say, inadvertently fill the high-order half with 1 bits.
WritableInteger This class is similar to an Integer, except you can write to it and the static utility methods aren't there.

Enum Summary
LogLevel An enum-based surrogate for java.util.logging.Levels.

Package ccs.utils Description

Multifarious utility classes. Includes Checkpoint's I18N layer (MsgHelper), The Checkpoint Classloader (Loader) and much else.